The Season
Kelsey Bass Ranch is open year around. The lake is best fished by the fly fisherman during the pre-spawn period, early summer and again in the Fall. Depending upon late winter storms, the fishing begins around mid-February and continues through November. The top water action starts around mid-March when the water temperature reaches 60 degrees and will continue through early summer and start again in the Fall.

Kelsey Guide Service
Clinic/Guide/Instructional services available for groups and Fly Fishing Clubs. Realizing that most anglers are not familiar with fly fishing for bass, this service was added and is intended to help all levels of anglers. On pre-arranged days, Bud Heintz, local warm water specialist and featured fly tier at the International Sportsman's Shows, will offer clinical instruction. His clinic will include: an orientation to warm water species, fly rod set-up, top water and sub-surface flies, fly rodding tips and on the water instruction. A nominal fee will be charged, please email or call regarding rates and available dates.
The daily access fee is $100 per angler. Special arrangements can be made for a group of anglers or a Fly Fishing Club wanting to have the lake "Closed" for their special event. NEW FOR 2020 - OVERNIGHT CAMPING FEE IS $25 PER NIGHT PER INDIVIDUAL - CLUB OR GROUPS $200 PER NIGHT.
Please Remember, Kelsey Bass Ranch is strictly a catch and release lake.
Check Calendar for Available Dates to Fish Kelsey Bass Ranch
Booking Information Below
2021 Calendar
Kelsey Bass Ranch Rules and Regulations
- Protection of the fishery is our top priority, therefore we require all members and guests to practice catch and release only. No placing of fish into live wells. Catch and immediate Release is the rule. Barbless hooks only. Members and guests found taking fish from the lake will be expelled. We reserve the right to inspect all boats and vehicles while on the premises of the Kelsey Ranch. No refund of membership dues will be given. This rule applies to non-members as well.
- The Kelsey Bass Ranch is a working cattle ranch. Members are required to understand one of the unwritten (until now) rules of the west. If a gate is closed, open it, go through and then close it. If the gate is open, then it is left open. Members not following this code of the west may be hog tied and charged round up fees. As a general rule the gate to the park is always closed. Always close the park gate behind you.
- The Kelsey Bass Ranch accepts no responsibility for damage to personal property (boats, RV's, vehicles, or equipment) and is not liable for injuries or accidents. This includes damage to vehicles caused by rubbing or chewing cattle.
- Driving slowly keeps road dust down and allows Kangaroo Rats and other animals time to get out of your way. The Ranch speed limit is 15 mph on all roads except at Headquarters, where the speed limit is 5 mph.
- Areas other than the immediate lake vicinity are off limits to the members of Kelsey Bass Ranch. Car traffic is limited to the west side of the lake, the dam, and the north eastern side (creek inlet). The vehicle pass must be placed on the dash of the vehicle, visible from the outside. Vehicles are excluded from the vineyard, however. Foot traffic is allowed but restricted to the lake bank inside the vineyard perimeter. Also, there is no bank fishing from the dam in the immediate vicinity of the head gate (pasture discharge valve). One dislodged rock, falling into the valve, may cause significant damage to the valve as well as a $500 charge for the hire of scuba divers to remove debris and repair the underwater apparatus.
- Please keep you pet on a leash. Pets must be kept from barking or bothering other guests, livestock, and wildlife.
- Guns of any type are allowed only by special arrangement on the ranch.
- All "natural" items such as rocks, driftwood, plants, must be left as found. No molesting wildlife.
- No jet skis or water skiing. Racing around the lake will not be tolerated.
- The lake is a no-wake zone. Keep your motor trimmed correctly for a minimum amount of wake. Do not approach other guests fishing in the lake with your boat as their sphere of peace will be disturbed.
- All trash must be packed out or placed in the trash can. There is a dumpster at the ranch headquarters for your use. Littering includes fishing line and cigarette butts!
- Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
- No overnight camping.
- Fishing with live bait is not allowed.
- All plastic baits must be fished with barbless hooks. Light wire worm hooks are recommended. NO SENKO-LIKE BAIT! Braided line/leader recommended.
- Anyone fishing plastics must have the following tools on board to aid in releasing fish.
a. 8 inch locking forceps
b. 6 inch diagonal cutters capable of cutting worm hooks - Any fish that is not lip hooked should be landed by net or by lifting from the water by grasping its jaw to avoid further injury to deep hooked fish.
- All members and non-members are required to schedule their visits in advance. This may be done via the telephone, fax, or e-mail. Scheduling is important:
- because we are expecting you, it cuts down on the time required to enforce the ranch's security.
- we have a daily six boats on the lake limit.
- on certain days the lake is closed due to tournaments or special events.
- 19. A "Family Membership" provides for one primary member and immediate family members such as your significant other, children under 21 and parents. More than one guest requires a fee of $75 per day. Payment is on the honor system. The primary member must accompany immediate family members and guests. Family memberships are $2,500 a year.
Thank you for your continuing patronage.
Jon Kelsey