Shad Fishing in Central Valley
The Yuba River, East of Marysville, historically offers some of the best shad fishing to be found any where in the state. With it's cold, crystal clear water and large gravel bars, in May and June, the Yuba is full of Shad ready to spawn and eager to grab your fly.
Because of its limited public access, one of the best ways to fish the Yuba River is by drift boat. This method affords the angler the opportunity to be on top of the best fishing at all times.
The big females start to show up in the river in late May and early June. This is "prime time" angling! Because the water is so clear, it's actually possible to sight fish around you, wondering which way should I cast. Anglers will have the opportunity to wade and fish from the drift boat.
Typically, we start we are on the water by 8:00 am and fish until 6:00 pm. If we are continuing to have a good late afternoon and evening grab we would extend that time by a couple of hours.
Please note: due to low flow conditions or fish counts on the Yuba River, we will be floating either the American or Feather Rivers.

Please Check the Calendar for Available Dates.

Cost $550 for 1 or 2 anglers, $700 for 3 anglers. A stream side lunch will be provided.
A deposit of $200 will secure your reservation. Reservation deadline April 1.
Reference Article you might want to read: The Shad Game by Ken Hanley

Excellent Adventures
2024 Shad Calendar
Payment Method
Please print the mail/fax order form and follow the printed instructions.
To complete a booking, your form and payment must be included, a phone call won't work!
Sorry, we do not accept credit cards. Please mail your payment to:
Excellent Adventures
619 W. Pine Street
Lodi, CA 95240